Thursday, 25 August 2011

The Birds!

This photo is taken from the window that faces the opposite direction to the previous photo. The local pigeons are usualy flying about in disordered groups. However on this occasion I noticed that they all lined up with miltary precision along the roof ridges of the Holy Child college (formerly a convent), and stayed there quite still for a longish time. I wondered which is the general: the one on the point of the gable, or the one on the head of the christ child? (You may need to click on the photo and look at the larger version to see it clearly).

The local pigeons are of very varied colours, a few white, a few black, and quite a number an attractive brown. On the old RDFRS forum I queried why this might be, when the common pigeons seen in Warrior Square are more uniformly the traditional blue-grey, and seagulls have no noticeable variation. I was informed that this must be due to human intervention. Perhaps by the nuns who used to live there breeding and selecting them.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

The Eyes in the Sky!

I've been intending to post this photo since the day after I posted the last message. I was half-dozing in my chair in the afternoon and suddenly woke up to see what appeared to be two demonic eyes glaring at me through the narrow window opposite. By the time I had realised what it was and got my camera ready the cloud formation, with the sun behind it, had moved on slightly, but the two "eyes" are still visible, but not so dramatic as they looked a minute or so before. Also the view shown is much wider than the one I saw framed by the window. One can appreciate from such an experience how people can attribute such phenomena to the actions of supernatural beings, and perhaps interpret them as personal warnings, since they depend on the location of the viewer and would not be seen much more widely.