Saturday, 17 December 2011

Mathematics and Number Wisdom

I've at last got round to updating the mathematics section of my website. The "Rational Mathematics", "Alternative Mathematics" and "Geometry" sections are now all under one index page. I've also transferred the pages on "Altairian Arithmetic", "Numerology" and "Numeromancy" from Esoterica to the Alternative Mathematics section, together with a new page on "Arithmosophy".

I'm not sure that Numeromancy and Arithmosophy can really be called Mathematics but they use numbers and require a knowledge of some arithmetic. I base my interpretation of "Wisdom of Numbers" on multiplicative relationships rather than additive properties. This makes it a more disciplined realm.

I have masses of notes on Geometry, but lack of satisfactory software for producing diagrams has held it back. There is nothing particularly new, just improved arrangement and presentation, making use of CSS.

Monday, 12 December 2011

A Bright Morning's Walk

I seem to have been neglecting this Diary. The last message I intended to post here, about seeing a rainbow at London Bridge, went to the Hastings Humanists blog by mistake.

It was a beautiful sunny day this morning, so I took a walk along the front as far as Glyne Gap to see how the new cycle path is progressing, and there is stil quite a lot of work to be done, but when finished it will be possible to cycle to Bexhill without going on a main road at all.

I went to the Ravenside retail park to have a look at the computers on display in PCWorld and ended up buying one. It's a large Samsung laptop, which I'm hoping will be able to replace the old desk-top machine on which I'm typing this message.

I left about 10 am and got back about 2 pm. There was quite a cold wind, whipping up surf on the sea, which was near to high tide, but the sky was blue like a spring day, and the birds were singing. But soon after I got back the sky darkened and the rain came down. It's just started again now as I write.

Last month, after my visits to Leicester and Bournemouth for the chess, I had some trouble with my right leg and had to rest it, but it seems to have held up today, but maybe a bit stiff in the morning, well see. I needed the exercise anyway.