Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Negative Test for Covid

It was reported that a couple of members of Crewe Chess Club had tested positive for covid19, and one was in hospital. So I tested myself last night using a Lateral Flow Test that I obtained from a local pharmacy last week. Fortunately the result was negative.

I tried reporting the result to the NHS as is required but the website said it needed to know a mobile phone number, and I don't have a mobile phone. So I phoned 119 this morning. It required answering an awful lot of multiple choice questions before I could get through to the right place.

It seems both chess club members are recovering, though one is still in hospital for other health reasons. The club is closed this week, which is probably the right decision. I was due to take part in a team match. 

I've also put off going to a meeting of a Writer's group at the local Library for the present. It seems best to wait until the news about the new omicron variant becomes more definite. At least I now know how to carry out the test when necessary.

UPDATE. Regrettably the club member who was in hospital, Les Hall, died on 8th December, though his cause of death may not have been covid19. He had diabetes and other conditions. Les Hall will be well known to chess players who have attended the Crewe Congress in former years. He was a larger than life personality, and one of the stalwarts behind the day-to-day running of the club. We will miss him.

Monday, 29 November 2021

First Snow of the Season

 Snowy scene from my back window yesterday. 

Put my winter boots on this morning to trek to the supermarket and make sure I have enough coffee in stock until the new year.