New results sent to me on enumeration of the smallest board tours by Andrew Usher in the USA and of queen tours by Walter Trump in Germany have led me to upgrade the relevant Knight's Tour Notes pages on my website. The trouble is that each of these updates has led to the realisation that all the other related pages also need updating. First I did the Shaped Boards section. Then the Walker Tours section (on pieces with lateral and diagonal moves.
A result about the impossibility of magic queen tours with rotary symmetry on the 6x6 board has led me to put new results into the Magic Theory page, and that led me to reinstate the page on 4x4 Magic Squares, which had become mixed up with the page on Multimover tours. Now I am recasting the whole section on Other Pieces. A lot of the pages are out of date compared with the PDF versions I issued in 2019.
The whole of the History pages also need to be updated, due to newer information, some of which was put into the 2019 PDF versions. So it's proving a big task. After that I will have to try to put everything into book form again. Or maybe I need to start a dedicated website for Knight's Tour Notes alone. All this leaves little time for other original work.